Parts analysis from Spanflug enables a new approach to work preparation

Work plan at the click of a mouse Technology company Spanflug is bringing a significantly enhanced version of Spanflug MAKE to AMB 2024 in Stuttgart (stand EO114). The quotation solution provides machining companies with a work plan that now provides even more detailed information on the production of the calculated components in addition to times and prices. Users thus benefit from automation in the otherwise very [...]

Quoting solution now enables calculation with castings and other near-net-shape stocks

Spanflug MAKE supports resource-saving and economical manufacturing In Spanflug MAKE, contract manufacturers can now take individual, near-net-shape semi-finished product geometries into account in the automated quotation calculation. This means that users can now also calculate production times and costs for components that are prefabricated using other processes, such as casting, injection molding, 3D printing and laser cutting, and then further machined. Spanflug MAKE is therefore the [...]

Precise machine hourly rates as the foundation for operating a machine shop economically

Free machine hourly rate calculator for contract manufacturing With the new machine hourly rate calculator, Spanflug provides a free online tool with which both machining companies and machine manufacturers with in-house production can quickly and easily calculate the production, set-up and programming hourly rate of their machine tools. With its precisely calculated machine hour rates, the tool provides users with an essential basis for setting well-founded offer prices and ensuring profitability. [...]

The 4 benefits of automated quoting

How to calculate prices and production times efficiently with Spanflug Make and win more profitable orders. Minimizing costs and increasing efficiency in times of a shortage of skilled workers - expectations of digital solutions in the manufacturing industry are high. The automation of administrative tasks in particular offers valuable efficiency gains. Implementation is often much easier than automating production itself. [...]

Certification of the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015

Spanflug successfully completed the certification of the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 in September 2023. The certification by TÜV Süd confirms the ongoing commitment to always offer Spanflug customers the highest quality and reliability in the production of their components and software solutions. The certificate also underlines that our quality management system complies with international standards and that our [...]

EMO 2023 preview: End-to-end quoting solution enables CNC machine shops to calculate prices automatically and increase efficiency by up to 90%

End-to-end quoting solution creates more time for manufacturing At EMO 2023, Spanflug will present the expansion of its Spanflug Make costing software into an end-to-end solution for the entire quoting process. By using the software, machining companies can reduce quoting efforts by up to 90 %. New components include the management of customer master data, the generation [...]

Spanflug is partner in the research project EREP

As one of a total of ten partners, Spanflug is participating in the innovative research project EREP, which investigates the possibility of successful remanufacturing through data-based decision making and intelligent process planning. Partners and objectives of the EREP research project Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMFB) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the [...]

Order turning parts and milling parts online

Spanflug Buy

Would you like to order individual turned and milled parts easily online? Upload your CAD data and we will calculate an instant quote for you. We manufacture your components using our network of 6,000 CNC machines and deliver on the desired date from 5 working days.

CNC manufacturing

Spanflug Make

You are a contract manufacturer and want to make your business fit for the digital future? You want to calculate quote prices and manufacturing times for turning and milling parts more efficiently? With Spanflug Make  you can easily get started to digitize your quoting processes free of charge.