How to efficiently calculate prices and manufacturing times with Spanflug Make and optimize the hit rate of your quotes.
Reducing costs and increasing efficiency in times of a shortage of skilled workers – the expectations for digital solutions in the manufacturing industry are high.
The automation of administrative tasks in particular offers valuable efficiency gains. Implementation here is often significantly easier than automating manufacturing itself. Quoting for turning and milling parts is such a process that costs contract manufacturers a lot of time and resources.

With Spanflug Make your machining company can apply a powerful tool to increase efficiency. By automating the quoting process, you can reduce this effort by up to 90% and create accurate quotes with just a few clicks, ready to be send to your customers.
Here are the 4 main benefits of automated quoting:
1. Less effort due to a high degree of automation
Spanflug Make achieves a significant efficiency advantage by automatically analyzing all machining relevant data directly from the CAD file and the drawing. Manual data entry is no longer necessary and even employees without technical know-how can easily and reliably calculate customer quotes.
Spanflug uses intelligent algorithms to analyze parts and calculate prices. But you, the user, are always in control. You can view and adjust information such as part properties, optimal machine selection, or manufacturing cost breakdown at any time.
2. Lean, efficient processes thanks to an end-to-end, digital solution
From CAD analysis to ready-to-send quote, Spanflug Make combines the entire quoting process into one digital solution. You can either generate a quote PDF from the calculated production times and prices, or export the results to your ERP system for further processing. This way, your quotes get to the customer faster and you increase your hit rate.

3. Save even more time and cost on complex parts

Does your company estimate manufacturing costs based on experience, struggle with complicated spreadsheets, or run expensive CAM simulations - only to end up reducing the margin to meet the customer's target price? With Spanflug Make, you can calculate market-driven and transparent prices to ensure your long-term competitive position. Especially for complex parts you can save time and money compared to conventional calculation methods, as our example calculation shows.
4. Calculating quotes based on real-time prices for stocks and order them directly online
For almost all material groups Spanflug Make calculates with daily updated prices of connected stock suppliers. You can then order these materials directly via Spanflug. This helps to reduce uncertainties and to achieve your calculated margins.
Quoting made effortless
With the end-to-end quoting solution Spanflug Make, you can quickly and easily start digitizing your machine shop's processes to make them more efficient. The software can be used without installation, high initial investment and maintenance effort so your company will benefit from day 1.