4 reasons why the automated calculation in Spanflug MAKE really works reliably

Calculating prices and manufacturing times for turning and milling parts is still costing machine shops too much time and money. Trained professionals with the appropriate technical background are scarce and are usually needed for other core tasks in the company.

The automation of the complex quoting process offers great potential for more efficiency and increased competitiveness.

Would you also like to benefit from automation, but are you wondering if software can really give you accurate results that match your operation and machine park?

Here are four reasons why automated quoting with Spanflug MAKE really works:

Way more than just AI

Spanflug combines AI technologies for its part analysis with in-depth practical knowledge of the machining process. Based on the CAD model and the technical drawing, we "understand" each part, identify the machine tools and processing steps.

Ready to use so you benefit from day one

Our intelligent algorithm for calculating costs and manufacturing times has been trained on more than 1,000,000 parts and is constantly being developed further. This is precisely why you can start calculating immediately with Spanflug MAKE - without the need for your own dataset or a long training phase.

Accurate prices with real-time data for stock material

By integrating real-time prices and availability of stocks, our calculation is built on a solid foundation. This means you can plan reliably - especially with the calculated margins on incoming orders. source the needed stocks directly via Spanflug.

Transparent and customizable calculation results

With just a few clicks you can set up your own machine tools and thus finetune the calculation settings to match your business. From the hourly machine rate to the cutting speed to the overheads - you stay in control!

Try it out for free

The calculation of 5 parts per month with the full range of features is permanently free of charge. This way you can try out Spanflug MAKE without any obligation today!

Order turning parts and milling parts online

Spanflug Buy

Would you like to order individual turned and milled parts easily online? Upload your CAD data and we will calculate an instant quote for you. We manufacture your components using our network of 6,000 CNC machines and deliver on the desired date from 5 working days.

CNC manufacturing

Spanflug Make

You are a contract manufacturer and want to make your business fit for the digital future? You want to calculate quote prices and manufacturing times for turning and milling parts more efficiently? With Spanflug Make  you can easily get started to digitize your quoting processes free of charge.