In many companies, manufacturing times and costs for custom machined parts are still estimated based on experience or are calculated using self-made spreadsheets, which is not only time-consuming. But the calculation sheets are often outdated and prone to errors.
While this still might work well for simple parts, it quickly becomes tedious for complex parts. The calculation for these usually require consulting with technical personnel and checking back with material suppliers or external partners. A CAM simulation is often required in order to get as close as possible to machine shop reality and actual costs. Several hours to days can quickly pass before the offer is ready to be send out to the customer.
Spanflug has now calculated in a case study how high the efficiency advantage of using automatic quoting actually is compared to conventional calculation methods. It shows that with Spanflug Make not only the labor costs per quotation can be reduced significantly. It also demonstrates, that the more complex the part, the higher will be the time and efficiency gains.
You can request the download of the case study here: