Efficient work preparation

Spanflug MAKE is your digital colleague in work preparation. Our algorithm understands the parts, how they are manufactured, and which stocks and tools you need. We use this data to make your day-to-day tasks easier in many areas of work preparation, for example when creating an operational plan, when procuring stocks and tools, or when sourcing parts externally.

This significantly increases efficiency in your machine shop’s work preparation, allowing you to start planning at an early stage and complete orders more quickly.

Spanflug MAKE work preparation: stock procurement and operational plan

Operational plan at the click of a mouse

With the calculation proposal, Spanflug MAKE provides you not only with machining times and costs, but also with an operational plan that contains detailed information on the manufacturing sequences of the calculated parts.


Thanks to the operational plan structure, the calculation is easy to understand. You can view the calculated results for each individual operation. At the same time, we support your machine shop to make your work preparation more efficient.


Spanflug enables you to plan all manufacturing steps and the tools and stocks needed in a data-driven manner as early as in the quotation phase. You will also find the times for programming, set-up and manufacturing broken down by work step in the quoting proposal.


You can easily transfer this data to your ERP system using an export function – for example, in order to save manufacturing steps when defining items along with their respective machines, tools and times. Alternatively, you can also display the information in the form of an operational plan showing the sequence of all operations.

Sourcing stocks and tools efficiently and on demand

Spanflug identifies the stocks and tools required for manufacturing automatically during part analysis. Thanks to our integration with stocks suppliers, our algorithm can access real-time data and availability for almost all material groups we cover in our quoting software. This makes the calculation even more precise.


And the best part is: Once the order has been placed, you can purchase the required stocks by our material partners quickly and at attractive conditions directly via Spanflug. This reduces uncertainties in the supply chain of stocks and helps you to achieve the calculated margins despite fluctuating material prices.

How you benefit from stock procurement via Spanflug


Reduce time and workload

Reduce time and workload

View stock prices and availability instantly when calculating the part or during work preparation. Time-consuming inquiries to material suppliers are a thing of the past and you can respond to customer inquiries more quickly and more confidently.

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Secure your margins

Secure your margins

Calculate with stock prices updated on a daily basis. This helps to improve your planning and margin security.

more efficiency for machine shops


Save costs

Save costs

Benefit from our special purchasing conditions for stocks and tools. We have negotiated attractive conditions for you.


Smart warehousing

Smart warehousing

Buy exactly the quantities you need to fulfill the order – fast and easily at attractive conditions. This allows you to optimize your stock keeping processes and capital tie-up.

Stock procurement machine shops

Get your ressource planning and work preparation done the easy way

Thanks to our intelligent part analysis and digital, automated processes, you can significantly speed up your work preparation and gain efficiency. With Spanflug, the workload in the transition from quote to order processing is reduced enormously, and resource planning is simplified.