Order laser parts online

At Spanflug, you can easily order laser parts and bending parts online. Simply upload your CAD model, get an instant quote and order. We deliver your sheet metal parts quickly and reliably on the desired date.

Laserteil online bestellen

How it works

Order laser parts in 1 minute





Upload CAD file

Upload CAD file

Upload the CAD model and optionally the technical drawing of your laser part and select the quantity.

Sheet Metal CAD Model


Get instant price

Get instant price

Spanflug analyzes your part and automatically reads all relevant information from the uploaded data. Our algorithm independently checks whether it is a CNC part or a sheet metal part and calculates a price for you within a few seconds and determines possible delivery dates.

Sheet metal quote


Order parts

Order parts

You then either place the order directly online with the selected delivery date, or export a PDF quote and order by e-mail.

Sheet metal order




Once you have placed your order, Spanflug manufactures your parts using our network of over 6,000 machines. You will receive your delivery reliably on the selected date in the desired quality, certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.

Blechteile bestellen

Our technical capabilities for laser parts

For the following requirements, you will receive an instant quote for your laser parts online at Spanflug BUY within seconds:

Materials sheet metal fabrication


  • We manufacture your laser parts and bent parts from all common aluminum, steel and stainless steel sheets.
  • You can find an overview of all available sheet metal in our material guide.
Materials for sheet metal fabrication
Toleranzen Laserteile


  • Laser parts are cut according to the standard tolerance for thermal processes ISO 9013-1
  • Bending parts are manufactured according to general tolerances DIN ISO 2768-m


Abmessungen Laserteile


  • Minimum dimensions: 20 mm x 20 mm
  • Maximum dimensions: 2,980 mm x 1,480 mm


These customers rely on Spanflug

For special requirements

Request laser parts as a project

For more complex parts, assemblies, large series or call-off orders and all other special requirements, please use our project RFQ.

Would you like to order custom parts via Spanflug?

Sign up and calculate your first instant quote right away. If you have any questions, our sales team will be happy to help and advise you at any time.